Thursday, August 18, 2011

Horrific News, Issue 1

It's Natasha Evans in Horrific News, Issue 1! Uh... yeah. Now, let me see, we're gonna just lookie here... yeah! Got it! My email is- nathalianajackson@yahoo.com. My mom's maiden name is Jackson, and my middle is Nathaliana... so... you get the point. natashaevans@yahoo.com didn't work. You gotta send me all the things you wanna know and post here. 
Like there ain't nothin' else like this. 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Picture Project Summary

The pics ARE terrifying,right? Hope so. Here are the 'scary images'. (the one with Martian-Lisa on it.) Hope you enjoy!

A collection of scary images including the scary face and the scary demon.
Scary Images
Weird Eyes Scary Face Scary Demon
Scary Images
Scary Guy Creepy Face Scary Dude
Scary Images
Scary Pics Scary Optical Illusions Scary Emails

Picture Project


 My dear friends; namely Frankenstein and Dracula, have helped me on this project; which I have completed only today. Here are the results:

Scary Pictures
Ghost Pictures
Scary Pictures.
Evil Clowns
Scary Pics.
Scary Dolls
Freaky pics.
Scary Pictures
Ghost Photos
Scare Pics.
Scary Clowns
Scary Stuff.
Scary Faces
Creepy Doll pics.
Scary Pics
Scary Eyes
Scary images.
Scary Masks
Weird pictures.
Evil Skulls
Scary faces.
Scary Pictures
Scary Images
Real and terrifying.
Weird Pictures
Evil and disturbing.
Evil Pumpkins
Demon heads.
Scary Pictures
Shark Pictures
Creepy Pictures.
Scary Animals
Dogs, cats and a monkey.
Strange Creatures
Bigfoot skull, alligator boy and more.
Scary Pictures
Scary People Scary Monsters Scary Stories